Coping with Anxiety During COVID-19
The uncertainty of the circumstances surrounding COVID-19 has left many with anxiety, insomnia and low moods. In such time,...
Phone number 905-840-5611 | Hours of Operation: 9 am - 5 pm, Mon. - Fri. | 5 Brisdale Drive, Suite 211, Brampton, L7A 0S9, Ontario, Canada
The uncertainty of the circumstances surrounding COVID-19 has left many with anxiety, insomnia and low moods. In such time,...
Celebrities Jennifer Garner and Ben Affleck are setting a good example for looking out for the best interests of the...
Gail Vaz-Oxlade, financial writer and T.V. host of of the show Till Debt Do Us Apart, states that money is...
Subsection 17(4.1) of the Divorce Act states that a previous spousal support order may be changed if the court is...
There are four main kinds of Custody Arrangements: 1) Sole custody: grants one parent the authority to make decisions...
Courts are reluctant to make orders about changing children’s school and encourage the parties to resolve this issue amicably amongst...
Section 24 of the Children’s Law Reform Act compels the merits of a custody or access application to be grounded on the...
An individual who is 18 years or older and who is married to a person who is not permanent resident...
In family law, when parties enter into a separation agreement to deal with the issues in their matter, one or...
Dr. Dona Matthews’ article, After Divorce: Ten Principles for Parenting, in Psychology Today provides a good guideline for parents undergoing...
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