Finances and Marriages
There is a misconception in regards to Millennials that they are not  getting because they suffer from commitment issues. However,...
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There is a misconception in regards to Millennials that they are not  getting because they suffer from commitment issues. However,...
Gail Vaz-Oxlade, financial writer and T.V. host of of the show Till Debt Do Us Apart, states that money is...
Subsection 17(4.1) of the Divorce Act states that a previous spousal support order may be changed if the court is...
There are four main kinds of Custody Arrangements: 1) Sole custody: grants one parent the authority to make decisions...
Section 24 of the Children’s Law Reform Act compels the merits of a custody or access application to be grounded on the...
An individual who is 18 years or older and who is married to a person who is not permanent resident...
In family law, when parties enter into a separation agreement to deal with the issues in their matter, one or...
Dr. Dona Matthews’ article, After Divorce: Ten Principles for Parenting, in Psychology Today provides a good guideline for parents undergoing...
Sometimes a legal proceeding may be commenced under circumstances where one party is not in a position to respond to...
Usually courts are reluctant to make a sole custody and supervised access order following a liberal parenting arrangement entered into...
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