Due to parenting arrangements and financial engagements of the parties, ex-spouses may still be in contact with each other after divorce. When domestic abuse was a part of a marriage, subsequent contact between the parties may lead to re-experiencing of symptoms akin to PTSD. To deal with PTSD caused by domestic abuse in transitional families, Dr. Stacy Kaiser offers the following advise:
1) become a detective for yourself and know what the triggers the cycle of negative feelings;
2) when the triggers come up, recognize them and diffuse the response that they would normally emit;
3) forgive yourself for being in the abusive relationship and for having issues because of it;
4) allow yourself to be angry for a moment but realize that the abusive situation is now over and that you are grateful for the all the positive things you have in life; and,
5) allow yourself to trust and flourish in healthy relationships rather than letting the impressions of a past negative relationship affect how you perceive new relationships.