Section 5(6) of the Family Law Act states the factors of unconscionablity that could lead to an award of unequal division of net family properties. The factors are:
(a) a spouse’s failure to disclose to the other the debts existing at the date of the marriage;
(b) debts claimed in a spouse’s net family property were incurred recklessly or in bad faith;
(c) a spouse’s net family property largely consisted of gifts made by the other spouse;
(d) a spouse’s intentional or reckless depletion of his or her net family property;
(e) the amount a spouse would receive is disproportionately large in relation to a period of cohabitation that is less than five years;
(f) one spouse incurring a disproportionately larger amount of debts than the other spouse for the support of the family;
(g) a written agreement between the spouses that is not a domestic contract; or
(h) any other circumstance relating to the acquisition, disposition, preservation, maintenance or improvement of property.